Interested in joining Waushakum?
Please read this page and fill out the Membership Application. A link may be found at the bottom of the page.
Membership Categories
Full Member
Any person 18 years of age or older, and sponsored by a regular member. Must be present at a regular meeting to be voted in and will have a provisional period of one year. At the end of the provisional period a vote will be taken and if positive will become a regular member. Full membership will include the spouse or partner as an Honorary Member with no voting rights. All members are expected to volunteer to work (see definition of work below) during each calendar year of membership.
WORK: This will consist of any hours worked at the track, at designated meets, repair or maintenance of club equipment (club engines, mowers, wee whackers, etc.) whether on site or off, projects assigned to a member by the club, editor of the newsletter, web site administrator, all club officers and any other job or project that will help maintain the club.
Junior Member
Any person between 12 and 18 years of age who belongs to the immediate family of any Regular, Associate, or Life member of WLS, or who is sponsored by any Regular member of WLS who agrees to be a responsible mentor. The sponsoring member must be at the monthly meeting when the application for Junior Membership is presented to be voted on.
Affiliate Member
Any person 18 years of age or older, who lives at lest 100 air miles from WLS track and facilities, or is a Regular member of another live steam club similar to WLS with a track and facilities and who would utilize the facilities of WLS only at a designated club function, or with the permission from a WLS club officer and with a regular member in attendance at the track.
Life Member
A special membership granted to any person by a majority vote of the voting membership present at any regular meeting of WLS for outstanding achievement or contribution to WLS.
Honorary Member
A special membership granted to any person by a majority vote of the voting membership present at any regular meeting of WLS for outstanding achievement or contribution to the live steam hobby, or steam generation/ power/ propulsion field.
Regular, Associate and Life Members shall have full voting rights. Junior, Affiliate and Honorary Members shall have no voting rights.
Membership for FULL, JUNIOR, AFFILIATE, and Current Associate Members is for the term of one year (January 1st thru December 31st).
Download our Membership Application.